Prevent the pong: Four tips for renters with a stinky septic


One of the last things you want as a renter is to deal with septic blockages, smells and the dreaded overflow! If you're a renter with a bit of a septic situation, check out these four tips for solving your stinky septic.

Conduct a visual inspection

The first step to ridding your rental of septic stench is to do a visual inspection of the septic system, inside and out. Begin by checking the water levels in the traps- look for low water in floor drains, toilet traps and stand pipes, and top up with water to ensure the airlock keeps sewerage smells at bay. Check the time it takes for sinks and toilets to drain away- slow drainage my indicate a full tank that requires desludging.

If your rental septic tank hasn't been pumped in the last 5 years, this is the lost likely culprit of your stinky septic! Next, take a look outside at the pump to make sure it is functioning properly, and check out the ground around the septic tank and absorption area. Is it soggy, wet or overgrown with weeds and green grass? This could indicate a drainage problem, which will require professional attention to resolve. If you know where to find the inspection cover and effluent filter, you may also want to check for correct fluid levels and that the filter is free from blockages

Stop smells in their tracks

Septic systems can be sensitive ecosystems of their own, so avoid pouring harmful chemicals and additives down your drains, either to treat the stench or as a waste disposal method. Switch to natural cleaners and detergents to help keep the septic system in your rental home healthy.

To help give bacteria a chance to do its thing in the septic tank, minimise your water usage. This way, not only will you ensure the flow is not too rapid and solids aren't forced into the holding tank, you'll also save cash on your water bill!

Request a septic service

If you suspect that your septic tank is full, pump requires fixing or your septic system requires a service, contact your landlord and request a septic inspection and service by a local professional. It is your landlord's responsibility to ensure the septic system is safe, in good working order and does not pose a risk to your family or the environment. While you or your landlord may be able to lessen certain septic smells, a professional service is is periodically necessary to keep the septic system in your rental home healthy and efficient.

For more information on how you can prevent the septic tank in your rental home from getting blocked or smelly, chat with your local septic service professionals today for expert advice.


5 September 2017

Converting to composting toilets

We aren't on the main sewer line on our property and it's always been an issue getting the septic tank emptied in winter when the road gets muddy and trucks get bogged. As a result, we decided to switch to composting toilets in the home. It's been a great option to get our toileting waste minimised and to help the environment at the same time. It's a bit of an adjustment period when you move to a composting toilet so I thought I'd start a blog explaining the process. I hope it will be useful for other people who have septic tanks and are contemplating making the switch.